Thursday, May 29, 2008

Museum of Russia

The musical enquiries of citizens were fully satisfied when in the beginning of nineties
new city troupes were created. Among those were municipal brass band, Russian chamber
orchestra "Lad", Russian folk dance ensemble "Irtish" and the very young "Credo".

The special social-cultural milieu in the city is created by holidays. Most of them were
born in Omsk and became traditional. The most bright and light feeling of life give the chil-
dren's festival- concerts "the Glass Shoe" , the annual city holiday "All Colors of the

And how wonderful are winter holidays with the bright sun and strong Siberian frost!
They include the New Year holiday with obligatory merry ice sledges and fortresses, with
troika rides and Siberian fun competitions, Shroventide with its fairs, skomorokhs and tradi-
tional pancakes.

The City Day is of a special interest. It's held in the beginning of August. All city parks
of culture and rest with their carnival and concert programs take part in this holiday. And
finally the general fireworks prepared by special scenario finish the holiday.

The Soul of Russia that's the name of a holiday born in 1992 on the City
Administration's initiative. It's the holiday of Russian original national culture revival. This holi-
day includes creative meetings, scientific conferences on problems of revival and develop-
ment of national cultures, festive gatherings in the streets and many concerts held by pro-
fessionals and amateurs. The holiday of folklore song and dance which became international
now is the organic part of it.

Everyone who has once visited Omsk notices its kind openness, breadth and peculiari-
ty. And this feeling is proven by the pages of this album.

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