Friday, November 28, 2008


India Famous Museum Part (1):

It is situated in Pantheon road. This is not for its exquisite collection of more than 2000 Indian bronzes and Amaravathi marbles. Three great buildings of architectural value - the Museum Theatre, the Extension Hall and the Connemara Public Library are in this complex. The present Museum has several sections, four galleries- Hindu sculpture gallery, the Amaravathi gallery, the Bronze gallery and the National art gallery constitute the main attractions.
Visit : Tuesday to Saturday From 09.30 to 17.00 hrs.

Fort Museum:
It is at Fort St.George. The museum has 10 rooms displaying the documents of Indian history. The old uniforms, coins, padlocks, old prints and palanquins are displayed here. The banquet hall upstairs has a collection of paintings of the Governors and officials of the British regime.
Timing : Saturday to Thursday From 10.00 to17.00 hrs.


The Gallery is named after the maps painted on the walls in 40 different panels, each devoted

to a region, island or particular territory of Italy.

Gallery of St. Pius V: tapestries produced in Tournai in the middle of the sixteenth century

and by Pieter van Aelst.
Chapel decorated with frescoes by Giorgio Vasari and Jacopo Zucchi.

Named for the painting which takes up the entire north wall with its depiction of the victory

of John III Sobieski, King of Poland, over the Turks outside the walls of Vienna in 1683. The

work was painted by Jan Matejko (1883).

The four rooms commonly known as the "Rooms of Raphael" were part of - togheter with the

"Chiaroscuri" room, the Old Room of the Swiss, the cubicle with its adjoining heater, the

Nicholine Chapel and the Loggia - the new residence chosen by Julius II on the third floor of

the building.
The series of four communicating rooms was a reconstruction carried out by Nicholas V

(1447-55) of the thirteenth century palace of Nicholas III (1277-80). Towards the end of the

first decade of the sixteenth century Perugino, Sodoma, Baldassarre Peruzzi and Bramantino

were all at work decorating them, but in 1509 Julius II dismissed them and commissioned

Raphael to decorate the whole of this part of the Vatican. He worked there for about ten

years, but only three of the rooms were completed before his death in 1520, and the direct

intervention of the master is certain in only two of them.

Deservedly one of the most famous places in the world, the Sistine Chapel is the site where

the conclave for the election of the popes and other solemn pontifical ceremonies are held.

Built to the design of Baccio Pontelli by Giovannino de Dolci between 1475 and 1481, the

chapel takes its name from Pope Sixtus IV, who commissioned it. It is a large rectangle with a

barrel-vaulted ceiling and it is divided into two unequal parts by a marble screen. The screen

and the transenna were built by Mino da Fiesole and other artists.
The frescoes on the long walls illustrate parallel events in the Lives of Moses and Christ and

constitute a complex of extraordinary interest executed between 1481 and 1483 by Perugino,

Botticelli, Cosimo Rosselli and Domenico Ghirlandaio, with their respective groups of

assistants, who included Pinturicchio, Piero di Cosimo and others; later Luca Signorelli also

joined the group.
The barrel-vaulted ceiling is entirely covered by the famous frescoes which Michelangelo

painted between 1508 and 1512 for Julius II. The original design was only to have represented

the Apostles, but was modified at the artist's insistence to encompass an enormously complex

iconographic theme which may be synthesized as the representation of mankind waiting for the

coming of the Messiah. More than twenty years later, Michelangelo was summoned back by Paul

III (1534-49) to paint the Last Judgement on the wall behind the altar. He worked on it from.


Egyptian Museum Part (1):

The greatest collection of Egyptian antiquities is, without doubt, that of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. It is a place of true discovery and, even after many visits, I continue to make new and delightful discoveries every time I venture into its many galleries.

In 1984 the Uruguayan Society of Egyptology opened an Egyptian Museum with the purpose of offering the students of the Uruguayan Institute of Egyptology an opportunity to see ancient Egyptian objects without leaving our premises. The small collection consisted then of mostly good reproductions of such objects obtained from big European or North American museums.

The Egyptian Museum of Antiquities contains many important pieces of history. Not only does it house the world’s largest collection of Pharaonic antiquities, it also houses the many treasures of King Tutankhamen, and many interesting statues that moved with the museums many re-locations. The Egyptian government established the museum, built in 1835 near the Asbakiya Gardens. The museum soon moved to Boulaq in 1858 because the original building was too small to hold all of the artifacts. In 1855, shortly after the artifacts were moved, Duke Maximilian of Austria was given all of the artifacts. He hired a French architect to design and construct a new museum for the antiquities. The new building was to be constructed on the bank of the Nile River in Boulaq. In 1878, after the museum was completed for some time, it suffered irreversible damage; a flood of the Nile River caused the antiquities to be relocated to another museum, in Giza. The artifacts remained there until 1902 when they were moved, for the last time to the current museum in Tahrir Square. This is the history of Egyptian Museums.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


It was main founded by the main peoples those who were lived in that ancient periods. It was founded by Pope Pius VII (Chiaramonti) and includes: the Corridoio (Corridor), the Galleria Lapidaria and the Braccio Nuovo (New Side). In the Corridor, divide into 60 sections, is an interminable series of statues, busts, sarcofhagi, reliefs, etc: about 800 Greek-Roman works. In the Galleria Lapidaria there are over 5000 pagan and Christian inscriptions. In the Braccio Nuovo, the Statue of Augustus of Prima Porta, the Group of the Nile and the Doriforos, deserve particular attention.

It is mainly called as the palazzetto and later.In the Palazzetto of Belvedere the visitor finds Greek and Roman sculptures like the Apollo Belvedere (a Roman copy from the original Greek sculpture, 130-140 A.D.), the famous group of Laocoön by Agesander, Polydorus and Athanodorus, the statue of Hermes (copied during Hadrian's reign from an original Greek bronze of 4th century B.C.), the colossal statue of Antinous (photo), and moreover the Canova's Cabinet, the Gallery of Statues, the Room of the Animals, etc.

It is one of the most famous museum among all it is called as the Etruscan Museum was founded by Gregory XIV in 1837 to house the works coming from the excavations carried out in southern Etruria. It was later enriched with further acquisitions and donations, and became one of the most important for Etruscan art. it is main features of it

It was mainly divided into three small rooms, the Antiquarium houses mainly ancient Roman objects and works of the minor arts. These are all the familiar things

The mini story of that was Once a loggia, the gallery was enclosed during the pontificate of Pius VI. Arches supported by columns and pillars were used to divide the space, which was then hung with candelabra, one for each arch: hence the name of the gallery. This are all the main features of that museum in ancient periods.


These are all the main features of it. The four rooms commonly known as the "Rooms of Raphael" were part of - togheter with the "Chiaroscuri" room, the Old Room of the Swiss, the cubicle with its adjoining heater, the Nicholine Chapel and the Loggia - the new residence chosen by Julius II on the third floor of the building.
The series of four communicating rooms was a reconstruction carried out by Nicholas V (1447-55) of the thirteenth century palace of Nicholas III (1277-80). Towards the end of the first decade of the sixteenth century Perugino, Sodoma, Baldassarre Peruzzi and Bramantino were all at work decorating them, but in 1509 Julius II dismissed them and commissioned Raphael to decorate the whole of this part of the Vatican. He worked there for about ten years, but only three of the rooms were completed before his death in 1520, and the direct intervention of the master is certain in only two of them.
The collection includes Hundreds of paintings, sculptures, engravings and designs donated to the Holy See by private individuals and, in some cases, by the artists themselves. Housed in 55 different rooms, the exposition was inaugurated by Pope Paul VI in 1973. The itinerary begins in the Borgia Apartment, named for Alexander VI, who had the room decorated with the now famous frescoes, most of which are the work of either Pinturicchio or his students.
The collection includes works of Ottone Rosai, Auguste Rodin, Carlo Carrà, Mario Sironi, Aligi Sassu, Renato Guttuso, Marc Chagall, Paul Gauguin, Maurice Utrillo, Giorgio Morandi, Filippo de Pisis, Henry Moore, Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, Georges Braque, Umberto Boccioni, Giacomo Balla, Giorgio De Chirico, Jacques Villon, Bernard Buffet, Oskar Kokoschka, Pablo Picasso, Francis Bacon, Diego Velasquez, etc.
The Vatican Library was founded by Nicholas V (1447-55). Sixtus V (1585-90) commissioned the present building from Domenico Fontana, who built the long gallery and the Salone.These are all the main features followed in this museum.


The Vatican Picture Gallery was founded by Pope Pius VI (1775-99). Only in 1932 was a permanent site established in a building commissionated by Pius XI (1922-39) from a design by the architect Luca Beltrami.
The gallery includes works of Giotto, Gentile da Fabriano, Beato Angelico, Perugino, Pinturicchio, Leonardo, Tiziano, Guercino, van Dyck, Poussin, etc.
The special building constructed to house the museum (founded by Gregorius XVI in 1844) runs parallel to the Pinacoteca and was opened in 1970. The works are arranged according to didactic criteria, liberated as far as possible from arbitrary integration and excessive restorations. The four sections contain Roman copies and re-elaboration of Greek originals, Roman sculptures of repubblican and early imperial periods, sarcophagi, later Roman sculptures.
Founded in 1854 by Pius IX in the Lateran Palace to house the Christian antiquities found during the excavations of the catacombs, the Museo Pio Cristiano was transferred to the Vatican in 1963.
The material is vast and various and is presented according to didactic principles so as to document the religious cult of the various civilisation which have flourished in other continents over an enormous span of time, from centuries before the coming of Christ right up to our times.
It was founded under the auspices of Paul VI and laid out in 1973 in a building constructed under the Square Garden.
The collection contains: the carriages of popes and cardinals, with various harnesses; graphic and photographic documentation of solemn processions containing berlins and carriages; black landaus for daily conveyance and the first automobiles used by the popes. This are all the main features of it

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

((((((((((((((((((((Crafts Museum))))))))))))))))))))

This museum is familiar in north side of india by the name called as new delhi. There are many museum around the world and around the north side of india the one of the most famous museum is this museum called crafts museums. The Crafts Museum situated at Pragati Maidan in Delhi has galleries that showcase India's rich tradition of handicrafts. Some of the most rare and lovely pieces of art and craft that have been carefully and selectively collected from all over the country can be found here. Started in 1956, the Crafts Museum kicked off in 1956 had collected over 20,000 objects by early 1980's. The tribal and rural handicrafts spotlighted here include authentically constructed mud huts delightfully decorated with folk art, woodcarvings, paintings, paper- mache crafts, embroidery and even a full-sized wooden haveli from Gujarat. Besides the Tribal and Rural Craft Gallery, it houses Crafts Museum Shop, Gallery of Courtly Crafts, Textile Gallery, Gallery of Popular Culture, and a reference section for the scholars, designers and crafts persons. Tourists are very much attracted by the live demonstrations by the revered artisans and skilled persons invited here from different regions who offer close glimpses of the Indian folk arts and the methods of making them. These museum is called as a craft exhibition by the peoples who look our this museum, this museum consists of many kind of craft articles which will used to make the craft for the peoples around the world

(((((((((((((((National Museum in Delhi))))))))))))))

This is the museum which is placed in New Delhi and it is also the familiar museum it meant to promote environmental awareness and educate people about the immense importance of conservation, the Museum houses along with its various exhibit galleries, a Bio-Science Computer Room, an Activity Room and a Mobile Museum, used to promote environmental awareness among different target groups. The museum also arranges various in-house and outdoor activities from time to time such as the film shows and activities for the benefit of school children and teachers within the museum premises. They also arrange a month-long summer programme for teenagers titled 'Know Your Environment', where children are encouraged to make nature painting and animal/plant modeling. Besides these programs, the educational activities of the museum include LEARN (Lesson on Environmental Awareness and Resources) Programmes for schools children of Classes VI to XII and publication of popular environment education resource materials. This museum consists of manythings which is happening in new delhi, and its famous things. The school children from different countries are also taken to this museum for a vacation, each and every peoples around world shld be aware of this museum.

(((((((((Indira Gandhi Memorial Museum))))))))))

This is the Famous museum which is named as an Indira Gandhi Memorial Museum is devoted to the first and only women Prime Minister yet. It is situated in New Delhi at her former residence. The house stands amidst a beautiful garden full of mature trees and pretty fragrant flowers. No alterations have been done to Indira's library and living room and has been maintained to look the same as she had left them on the fateful day of October 31, 1984, when she was killed by her own Sikh bodyguards while she was strolling in the gardens. The public is not allowed to enter these rooms but one can have a peek inside the rooms from the windows that open out in the gardens. The path where she was assassinated is pictured here as a memorial. There is a rare collection of photographs that documents the life of this, one of the most prominent leaders in India, from her childhood to her days as Prime Minister. The house also has a number of rooms that have been decorated to her son Rajiv Gandhi, who was himself immensely popular among the masses when he was a Prime Minister and even after that until he was assassinated in May 1991. This is the Familiar museum should be seen by each and every peoples around the world.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mahatma Gandhiji Museum

This is the main museum that each and every peoples around world should be known by us. These displays information about Mahatma Gandhi, and most importantly it showcases the original blood-stained garment of Gandhi when he was assassinated by Nathuram Godse. The other piece of the garment is kept at the Gandhi Museum in Delhi.

This museum not only famous for gandhiji and also this is famous for many reasons like which are all described below for ur persual. This famous mosque (masjid) is located at the heart of Madurai city, within 500 metres of the Periyar(Central)bus stand and within 1 kilometre South East of the Madurai railway junction. Hazrat Kazi Syed Tajuddin, who came from Oman during late 12th century, received this land from the king, Koon Pandiyan, and constructed the mosque which is the earliest Muslim place of worship in Madurai. All of his descendants (Huqdars - shareholders of that mosque are called Syeds) have lived in the same locality for 700 years, and have managed the mosque since then. Syed Tajuddin was appointed as Kazi of the sultans, and still his descendants who live at Kazimar street, Madurai, are appointed as Kazis to the Government of Tamil Nadu. All Syeds belong to the Sunni sect of Islam, its Hanafi school. Most of the descendants of Kazi Syed Tajuddin are shadhilis (shazuli) and follow the Sufi order Fassiyatush Shadhiliya.

These are all the main features of this museum which is placed in india, and it was the main features that were displayed in this museum. Its mainly consists of gandhiji work and his goodness.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Its AboutGovernment Museum Complex:

Its All about the Detail Structure of Museum that was located in Chennai and which was handled by the Government under some Government employees. and were it is located and the timings of it. and the necessity of it, and also the detailed work of the Museum.

Once British Society in Chennai used to meet in the Pantheon. Its 18th century buildings and grounds have over the years since then been developed into the Connemara Library, one of the country's three National Libraries, the national Art Gallery, a beautiful building of Jaipur- Mughal architecture, the government Museum with its fabulous collection of bronzes and the Museum Theatre, a quaint theatre that is another building out of the Museum Theatre, a quaint theatre that is another building out of the gaslight era.

The Museum all over the world are many and some of it was handled by the government of the country, and it was managed by the some of the government employees which were constructed by the government people. and many kind of statues are also be placed in it. The timings of the museum is (Morning 8 A.M. to Evening 5 P.M.)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Introduction Regarding Museums: (1)

Introduction of Museums:

This museum is nothing but the older articles kept in a room and it will be displayed to all over the peoples for it. To know the usage and helpfullness of this older articles. Some museums, they will have many kind of pictures which is drawn by the main peoples of artists. it will be also kept in the museum in front of the peoples.

This national award winning museum exhibits a wide selection of mainly British toys from c1900 to the present. It is housed in adjoining carefully restored late 18th Century buildings, one a former hat factory and the other a joiner's workshop. The museum is situated in what is probably the best preserved court in the area, its entrance is in Market Place. Cockermouth Castle overlooks the museum.

The entrance to the museum is arranged as the interior of an old toy shop sometime around the mid 1950's. Set off following the Teddy Bear paw prints and look into the packed toy shop windows full of train sets, dolls, games...... in fact, all the things we really wanted but seldom received!

Around the museum are many buttons to press and visitor operated displays including 0 and 00 Hornby tinplate trains, Scalextric cars, Meccano, Lego and even working models made from card.

Introduction Regarding Museums: (2)

Museum is built by the government, and many articles from the older periods are all kept in this museum and it is maintained by the government servant. To, prevent any theft in the museum. This articles which is kept in the museum will be sold to the peoples, one day in front of the government museum incharger and this money will also distributed to the government and it will be given to many criticial ideas.

Each year there is usually a special exhibition or theme and new showcases are added if funds permit to help display objects from the vast reserve collection. There are always new things to see including all those you missed the first time.

The museum has featured in and on Local and National newspapers, Radio and TV including 'Down Your Way', News programs, etc. and has loaned toys for several TV programs including 'I Love a 1970's Christmas' etc. as well as several other museums for special exhibitions.

These are all the function of museums regards

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Hill Palace Museum in Kerala:

It is Situated in Kerala. In Kerala it is located in Cochin. Edappally, 13 km from Cochin, displays the erstwhile wealth and prosperity of the royal family of Cochin, including the king’s throne and crown. (Timings: 10 AM to 5 PM. Closed on Mondays and National Holidays.) Also on show are other trappings of royalty like majestic beds, paintings, carvings and samples of epigraphy. Tripunithura is also well known for the nearby Chottanikara Temple and the Tripunithura Temple.

Just 8 km from the heart of Ernakulam, the Museum of kerala History and its Makers, is the best place for a quick trip down the ancient lanes of Kerala’s history. Greeting the visitor outside is a statue of Parasurama, the mythological sage who is said to have created Kerala. Important historical episodes from the neolithic age to the modern era are depicted through life-size figures. A one-hour recorded commentary (in English and Malayalam) fro each scence offers a minor sound-and-light show.

Performances of kathakali and mohiniyattam are held regularly in Ernakulam at these centres: The Theosophical Society Hall, Pallimukku; See India Foundation, Kalathiparambil Lane; Cochin Darbar Hall. The Ernakulam Gymnasium puts on a performance of kalaripayattu.

Several important festivals (‘ulsavom’ in Malayalam) can be witnessed in Cochin. In January/February is the 8-day ulsavom at the Shiva Temple, Ernakulam, featuring a grand elephant procession and performances of folk dance and music. In November/December is an 8-day ulsavom celebration at Tripunithura Temple with a daily procession of 15 elephants and performances of folk dance and music.

In August/September is Onam, the traditional harvest festival, Kerala’s best-known, and one which is celebrated in every home. The state’s Tourism Week occurs then and in some places like Cochin, Kottayam Aranmula and Payipad, the famous snake-boat races are held. In Tripunithura, Onam is celebrated with a grand procession known as Athachamayam.

Not too far from Cochin is Alwaye, which is famous for its annual night-long Shivarathri festival of prayer and festivity held around February on the banks of the river Periyar.

Museum of Kodungalloor:

It is Far From 32 km away, was formerly also called Muziris. This was, in ancient times, a famed sea-port on the west coast where St. Thomas is supposed to have landed in 52 AD. It was also the capital of Cheraman Perumal, King of Kerala, Whose famous palace Allal Perumkovilakam was situated near the great pagoda at Thiruvanchikulam.

The area where the palace stood is called the ‘Cheramanparambu’. This, along with the ancient Thivanchikulam Temple, the Bhagwati Temple (Where the Bharani Festival is held) and the Portuguese fort are worth visiting. Also nearby is the Cheraman Mosque, believed to be the first mosque built by Muslims in India in 644 A.D. Adding to this religious amity is the fact that the Jews first settled here before moving south to Mattancherry.

To the South of Cochin is the town of Vaikom famous for its Shiva Temple. This temple was where the historically important Vaikom Satyagraha, which led to the opening of temples to the Harijans, took place under Mahatma Gandhi’s leadership during the independence movement.

On the banks of the Periyar river is Kalady. This small town, 45 km from Cochin, is a pilgrim centre and the birthplace of Adi Shankaracharya, the great 8th century Indian philosopher of Advaita Vedanta. Here are two shrines in his memory, one dedicated to him as Dakshinamurthy and the other, to the goddess Sharada, maintained by the Shringeri Mutt. The spot where Adi Shankara’s mother, Aryamba, was cremated is called Brindavan.

Nearby is an old Shri Krishna Temple, the family temple of Shankaracharya. Another, the Shri Ramkrishna International Temple, was built in 1976, with the hope that it would ultimately become a temple for all religious and an abode of peace.

Museum of Malayattur

It is Far frm 47 km from Cochin, is famous for the Catholic church on the 609 metre high Malayattur Hill, dedicated to St. Thomas who is believed to have prayed at this spot. The annual Malayattur Perunal festival in March / April attracts thousands of devotees.

Known for an ancient Shiva Temple, whose inner and outer walls feature mural paintings of great artistic skill and interiors abound with intricately carved sculptures, is Ettumanoor, 63 km from Cochin.

Monday, June 9, 2008



Government Museum,
Kaleeswarar Nagar, Kattur,
Coimbatore 641 009.

The Museum was established in 1990. The collection include objects of Archaeology, Anthropology, Numismatics, Art, Pre-history, Geology, Botany and Zoology. Of these the following exhibits merit special mention due to their rarity and uniqueness:

Mesolithic stone tools, calcimined bone remains of both animals, human beings acquired through scientific field exploration from Vannathankarai site near Thakkalur - Kamanayakkanpalayam via Avinashi.

Woodcarvings (18th Century AD.), acquired from the Avinashilingeshwarar temple cars as gift from the temple authorities concerned.

Bronze icons of Navaneetha Krishna (13th Century AD.); Hanuman with Vishnu features (18th Century AD.) and Chandrasekhara with folk elements (19th Contrary AD.) acquired through theTreasure-trove Act of 1878.

Stone sculptures of a mother goddess seated on a cattle (18th Century AD.), a hero fighting with a panther / tiger by means of a muzzle loaded gun (16th Century AD.) and Daksha (wih ram head) worshipping Vishwarupa Veerabhadra (13th Century AD.), acquired as a treasure-trove find, scientific exploration and gifting respectively.

Inscribed stone slabs containing the details of commercial guild of Veerarajendra Chola period, acquired through scientific field exploration find place in this Museum.

Tribal artifacts of Irula, Kadar, Malagar and Muduvar acquired through both scientifc field exploration and gifting.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Introduction About Museums

The Museum is nothing but the old things which is to been shown to the people all over.

To go to lots of other pages, pictures, etc. click on the blue underlined key words.

This national award winning museum exhibits a wide selection of mainly British toys from c1900 to the present. It is housed in adjoining carefully restored late 18th Century buildings, one a former hat factory and the other a joiner's workshop. The museum is situated in what is probably the best preserved court in the area, its entrance is in Market Place. Cockermouth Castle overlooks the museum.

The entrance to the museum is arranged as the interior of an old toy shop sometime around the mid 1950's. Set off following the Teddy Bear paw prints and look into the packed toy shop windows full of train sets, dolls, games...... in fact, all the things we really wanted but seldom received!

Around the museum are many buttons to press and visitor operated displays including 0 and 00 Hornby tinplate trains, Scalextric cars, Meccano, Lego and even working models made from card.

Fly this 1955 Nullis Secundis Helicopter but try to land at the heliport and not on the road.

Among the displays are prams, a large 1930's Tri-ang doll's house (press a button to illuminate the rooms) and a tinplate Mettoy one that can be rotated to show the interior and furniture. There are four working railway layouts including one in a huge garden shed at the end of which is a water butt, are you brave enough to lift the lid and see the horrible monster lurking at the bottom? Minic Motorway, Sutcliffe boats, Chinese kites, the Magic Robot, Bayco houses and home-made toys are among the thousands of objects on display to take you back to your childhood. A small display recreates the joiners workshop as it was around 1930 complete with original tools, crane and cart, this being a former use of the building for some 70 years. Prior to that it was probably part of the old Cockermouth Mineral Water Company, several 'cod' bottles having been found in the old earth floors when buildings in the court were being modernized in the 1970's.

There is a family quiz to do while looking at the toys and worksheets, based on National Curriculum topics Key Stages 1 to 4, are available. Younger children can look for the little teddy bears, play with the wooden bricks and ride a 1950's Rocking Horse.

Each year there is usually a special exhibition or theme and new showcases are added if funds permit to help display objects from the vast reserve collection. There are always new things to see including all those you missed the first time.

The museum has featured in and on Local and National newspapers, Radio and TV including 'Down Your Way', News programs, etc. and has loaned toys for several TV programs including 'I Love a 1970's Christmas' etc. as well as several other museums for special exhibitions.

Whether you are 4 or 104 there should be something on display to remind you of your childhood.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Government Museum in India

The proposal for a museum in Madras was mooted by the Madras Literary Society in 1846 AD and Sir Henry Pottinger, the then Governor, obtained the sanction of the Court of Directors of the East India Company in London.

In January 1851 AD, Dr. Edward Balfour, Medical Officer of the Governor's Body guard was appointed as the First Officer in charge of the Government Museum. The notification in the Fort St. George Gazetteer dated 29th Aprtil 1851 AD contained the first announcement regarding the opening of the Madras Government Museum. The Government Museum otherwise called as the Central Museum was started in the College of Fort St. George, in the premises of the present office of the Director of Public Instruction, on College Road. The college had been established in 1812 AD and made a significant contribution to the development of South Indian Languages. The Museum was started in the first floor of the college with the 1100 geological specimens of the Madras Literary Society. It steadily developed and expanded under the guidance and supervision of a succession of directors.

As the building was in a dilapidated condition, the Museum’s Superintendent, Dr. Balfour advocated shifting it to another building.

In December 1854 AD, it was shifted to a building named the Pantheon, also known as the Public Rooms or Assembly Rooms, where the elite of the city met.

The building was being utilised for banquets, balls and dramatic performances from the last decade of the 18th Century. The estate of the Pantheon was the property of Hall Plumer, civil servant and public works contractor who subsequently, in 1793 AD, assigned the grounds to a Committee of 24, which regulated the public amusements in the city at that time. In 1821 AD, the Committee sold the main house and central garden space to E.S. Moorat, a wealthy Armenian merchant, who in turn, sold it back to the Government in 1830 AD, for Rs.28,000. The property was originally 43 acres in extent and stretched from Casa Major Road to the present Police Commissioner’s Road, and it was flanked by the Pantheon Road and Halls Road.

The Public Library was started in 1853 AD. It was opened to the public in June 1862 AD. The construction of the library and lecture hall began in December 1873 AD and completed in 1875 AD and formally opened by the Governor on March 16, 1876 AD. Captain Mitchell, Superintendent, was responsible for strengthening the library. He is regarded as the originator of the Connemara Public Library.

It was formally opened on December 5, 1896 AD by Sir Arthur Elibank Havelock, the then Governor and named after its progenitor, Lord Connemara, Governor of Madras. Designed by H.Irvin, the then Consulting Architect to the Government of Madras, it had a magnificent hall with a splendid reading room and beautiful teak wood shelves.

The library had an imposing tower 200 feet high, the highest in Madras at that time. But in March 1897 AD, the tower was demolished as it was found to be in a precarious condition.

Libraries controlled by different bodies which were in need of space were invited to occupy some portion of the Connemara Library. The Madras Literary Society Library was the first to function inside the Connemara Library until it was shifted in 1905 AD to its present building on College Road. The Madras University Library occupied the space vacated by the Madras Literary Society Library and functioned there until 1928 AD when it moved to Chepauk. The Oriental Manuscripts Library which was also housed in the Connemara Library till 1935 AD, moved into the University Buildings at Chepauk. Books were purchased on behalf of the Victoria Technical Institute from the Dhanakoti Mudaliar Endowment and still housed in the Fine Arts Section of the Connemara Public Library. Later the library came under the control of the Director of Public Instruction.

n December 1896 AD, the Front Building (Anthropological Galleries) and The Museum Theatre were opened. The new extension (main entrance) was built in 1939 AD in order to display stone sculptures, period-wise. The Government Museum took over the Victoria Technical Institute Building (constructed in 1909 AD) and named it as National Art Gallery and was thrown open to the public on November 27, 1951 AD.

The Museum celebrated its Centenary on November 27, 1951 AD which was inaugurated by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. In Order to display the exquisite rich collection of bronzes, a separate building was constructed in 1963 AD. In the same year, a new block was added to the Chemical Conservation Section to cope with the increasing work of preservation. A new building for the Birds Gallery was also opened in 1963 AD.

A separate building for Contemporary Art was opened in January 25, 1984 AD and a new Children’s Museum building was opened in April 1988 AD. The Raja Ravi Varma paintings, which are considered as National Treasures, have been placed in a gallery with Fibre Optic lighting. This system of lighting gives a dramatic lighting effect. The Contemporary Art Gallery has been lit using Dichroic Halogen lamps. These lamps reflect back the heat. They also have a pleasing visual effect. These lighting methods are technology demonstrators and a first for museums in India at the time of their installation in 2001 AD.

Notable collections in the Museum are the world famous South Indian bronzes, Amaravati sculptures, Tanjore (Thanjavur) armoury, inscriptions on stones and copper plates, the Dowleshwaram hoard of gold coins of Raja Raja I and Kulothunga I, the Chengam hoard of copper coins, artifacts from the Megaliths of Adichanallur, the Bruce Foote Collection of prehistoric stone implements, Roman and other artifacts from the famous site of Arikamedu (near Pondicherry), the exquisite crystal reliquaries from the Bhattiprolu Stupa and the enormous skeleton of the whale obtained on shore near Mangalore.

Just one day at this Museum will not do justice to its collection. That we guarantee you.

The first Government-sponsored Museum in the country opened in Chennai in 1851. It is housed in the Pantheon Complex, which gives the road that lines up in front, its name.

Its collection of Bronzes and Buddhist antiques is among the best. Especially impressive are the Arms gallery, its pre-historic collection, its philatelic collection, its antique jewellery and the musical instruments collection.

Closed on Fridays and national holidays.

Adjacent to the Planetarium, at the Periyar Science and Technology Centre, scientific inventions are explained through working models. Among the several galleries here, are those on Transport, Energy, Material Science, Life Science, Physical Science, Innovation, Electronics and Communication. The campus also facilitates learning while at play, through its Science park, Traffic park and Eco park. One of the best Study-tour destinations for school students.

Museum of Russia

The musical enquiries of citizens were fully satisfied when in the beginning of nineties
new city troupes were created. Among those were municipal brass band, Russian chamber
orchestra "Lad", Russian folk dance ensemble "Irtish" and the very young "Credo".

The special social-cultural milieu in the city is created by holidays. Most of them were
born in Omsk and became traditional. The most bright and light feeling of life give the chil-
dren's festival- concerts "the Glass Shoe" , the annual city holiday "All Colors of the

And how wonderful are winter holidays with the bright sun and strong Siberian frost!
They include the New Year holiday with obligatory merry ice sledges and fortresses, with
troika rides and Siberian fun competitions, Shroventide with its fairs, skomorokhs and tradi-
tional pancakes.

The City Day is of a special interest. It's held in the beginning of August. All city parks
of culture and rest with their carnival and concert programs take part in this holiday. And
finally the general fireworks prepared by special scenario finish the holiday.

The Soul of Russia that's the name of a holiday born in 1992 on the City
Administration's initiative. It's the holiday of Russian original national culture revival. This holi-
day includes creative meetings, scientific conferences on problems of revival and develop-
ment of national cultures, festive gatherings in the streets and many concerts held by pro-
fessionals and amateurs. The holiday of folklore song and dance which became international
now is the organic part of it.

Everyone who has once visited Omsk notices its kind openness, breadth and peculiari-
ty. And this feeling is proven by the pages of this album.

San Diego Museum of Arts

officially opening in 1926, the San Diego Museum of Art was built in the Spanish-Colonial Style of the 1915 Expo buildings located in Balboa Park. The facade was further enhanced with motifs taken from the sixteenth century Spanish Renaissance and included life-size sculptures of spanish old-master painters, velazquez, murillo and Zubaran, as well as heraldic symbols of Spain, the United Staets, California, and San Diego. During world War II, collections from the Museum were moved inland for safe storage while the Museum itself served as a US Navy Hospital.

This are all the Special Features of San Diego Museum of Arts. More and More It is an Oldest museum In a World.

Museum of India

National Museum, New Delhi, today , has in its possession over 2,00,000 works of exquisite art, both of Indian and Foreign origin covering more than 5,000 years of our cultural heritage. Its rich holdings of various creative traditions and disciplines which represents a unity amidst diversity, an unmatched blend of the past with the present and strong perspective for the future, brings history to life.

There are Many things to say about this Museum, This is an National Museum, Which is Located at New Delhi. Many Peoples from other Countries are arriving to New Delhi to look of the National Museum, which is located at New Delhi. Daily this museum will be opened from morning 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the evening. All of them are allowed to look of the museum.

There are many Police protection is undertaken to protect theft from the museum, the articles and things in the museum cannot be taken or even touched by the peoples who came to look of the museum. Withoug the permission of the museum undertaker the things cannot be taken from the museum.

This are all the features of Naional Museum.

Apart from the collections of Pre-historic Archaeology, Archaeology, Jewellery,Paintings, Decorative arts, Manuscripts, Central Asian Antiquities, Arms and Armour, etc. ,the Museum today has a separate branches of publication, Hindi, Public Relations, Education, Library, Exhibition cell, Display, Modelling, Photography, Security and Administration.

Conservation Laboratory , A well equipped conservation laboratory not only provides restoration to all the organic and inorganic art objects but also training facilities to students and deserving professionals, including restoration of oil-paintings in India

The National Museum Institute of History of Art, Conservation and Museology came into existence in 1983 and now is Deemed to be a University provides various Courses with its campus at National Museum(New Delhi).
Yadgaar in Delhi, one of the oldest cities in the world, and the favoured capital of several dynasties is a legend in architectural style and design. Each stone tells a story, each structure is a tribute to a glorious heritage