Wednesday, October 29, 2008


It was main founded by the main peoples those who were lived in that ancient periods. It was founded by Pope Pius VII (Chiaramonti) and includes: the Corridoio (Corridor), the Galleria Lapidaria and the Braccio Nuovo (New Side). In the Corridor, divide into 60 sections, is an interminable series of statues, busts, sarcofhagi, reliefs, etc: about 800 Greek-Roman works. In the Galleria Lapidaria there are over 5000 pagan and Christian inscriptions. In the Braccio Nuovo, the Statue of Augustus of Prima Porta, the Group of the Nile and the Doriforos, deserve particular attention.

It is mainly called as the palazzetto and later.In the Palazzetto of Belvedere the visitor finds Greek and Roman sculptures like the Apollo Belvedere (a Roman copy from the original Greek sculpture, 130-140 A.D.), the famous group of Laocoön by Agesander, Polydorus and Athanodorus, the statue of Hermes (copied during Hadrian's reign from an original Greek bronze of 4th century B.C.), the colossal statue of Antinous (photo), and moreover the Canova's Cabinet, the Gallery of Statues, the Room of the Animals, etc.

It is one of the most famous museum among all it is called as the Etruscan Museum was founded by Gregory XIV in 1837 to house the works coming from the excavations carried out in southern Etruria. It was later enriched with further acquisitions and donations, and became one of the most important for Etruscan art. it is main features of it

It was mainly divided into three small rooms, the Antiquarium houses mainly ancient Roman objects and works of the minor arts. These are all the familiar things

The mini story of that was Once a loggia, the gallery was enclosed during the pontificate of Pius VI. Arches supported by columns and pillars were used to divide the space, which was then hung with candelabra, one for each arch: hence the name of the gallery. This are all the main features of that museum in ancient periods.


These are all the main features of it. The four rooms commonly known as the "Rooms of Raphael" were part of - togheter with the "Chiaroscuri" room, the Old Room of the Swiss, the cubicle with its adjoining heater, the Nicholine Chapel and the Loggia - the new residence chosen by Julius II on the third floor of the building.
The series of four communicating rooms was a reconstruction carried out by Nicholas V (1447-55) of the thirteenth century palace of Nicholas III (1277-80). Towards the end of the first decade of the sixteenth century Perugino, Sodoma, Baldassarre Peruzzi and Bramantino were all at work decorating them, but in 1509 Julius II dismissed them and commissioned Raphael to decorate the whole of this part of the Vatican. He worked there for about ten years, but only three of the rooms were completed before his death in 1520, and the direct intervention of the master is certain in only two of them.
The collection includes Hundreds of paintings, sculptures, engravings and designs donated to the Holy See by private individuals and, in some cases, by the artists themselves. Housed in 55 different rooms, the exposition was inaugurated by Pope Paul VI in 1973. The itinerary begins in the Borgia Apartment, named for Alexander VI, who had the room decorated with the now famous frescoes, most of which are the work of either Pinturicchio or his students.
The collection includes works of Ottone Rosai, Auguste Rodin, Carlo Carrà, Mario Sironi, Aligi Sassu, Renato Guttuso, Marc Chagall, Paul Gauguin, Maurice Utrillo, Giorgio Morandi, Filippo de Pisis, Henry Moore, Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, Georges Braque, Umberto Boccioni, Giacomo Balla, Giorgio De Chirico, Jacques Villon, Bernard Buffet, Oskar Kokoschka, Pablo Picasso, Francis Bacon, Diego Velasquez, etc.
The Vatican Library was founded by Nicholas V (1447-55). Sixtus V (1585-90) commissioned the present building from Domenico Fontana, who built the long gallery and the Salone.These are all the main features followed in this museum.


The Vatican Picture Gallery was founded by Pope Pius VI (1775-99). Only in 1932 was a permanent site established in a building commissionated by Pius XI (1922-39) from a design by the architect Luca Beltrami.
The gallery includes works of Giotto, Gentile da Fabriano, Beato Angelico, Perugino, Pinturicchio, Leonardo, Tiziano, Guercino, van Dyck, Poussin, etc.
The special building constructed to house the museum (founded by Gregorius XVI in 1844) runs parallel to the Pinacoteca and was opened in 1970. The works are arranged according to didactic criteria, liberated as far as possible from arbitrary integration and excessive restorations. The four sections contain Roman copies and re-elaboration of Greek originals, Roman sculptures of repubblican and early imperial periods, sarcophagi, later Roman sculptures.
Founded in 1854 by Pius IX in the Lateran Palace to house the Christian antiquities found during the excavations of the catacombs, the Museo Pio Cristiano was transferred to the Vatican in 1963.
The material is vast and various and is presented according to didactic principles so as to document the religious cult of the various civilisation which have flourished in other continents over an enormous span of time, from centuries before the coming of Christ right up to our times.
It was founded under the auspices of Paul VI and laid out in 1973 in a building constructed under the Square Garden.
The collection contains: the carriages of popes and cardinals, with various harnesses; graphic and photographic documentation of solemn processions containing berlins and carriages; black landaus for daily conveyance and the first automobiles used by the popes. This are all the main features of it

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

((((((((((((((((((((Crafts Museum))))))))))))))))))))

This museum is familiar in north side of india by the name called as new delhi. There are many museum around the world and around the north side of india the one of the most famous museum is this museum called crafts museums. The Crafts Museum situated at Pragati Maidan in Delhi has galleries that showcase India's rich tradition of handicrafts. Some of the most rare and lovely pieces of art and craft that have been carefully and selectively collected from all over the country can be found here. Started in 1956, the Crafts Museum kicked off in 1956 had collected over 20,000 objects by early 1980's. The tribal and rural handicrafts spotlighted here include authentically constructed mud huts delightfully decorated with folk art, woodcarvings, paintings, paper- mache crafts, embroidery and even a full-sized wooden haveli from Gujarat. Besides the Tribal and Rural Craft Gallery, it houses Crafts Museum Shop, Gallery of Courtly Crafts, Textile Gallery, Gallery of Popular Culture, and a reference section for the scholars, designers and crafts persons. Tourists are very much attracted by the live demonstrations by the revered artisans and skilled persons invited here from different regions who offer close glimpses of the Indian folk arts and the methods of making them. These museum is called as a craft exhibition by the peoples who look our this museum, this museum consists of many kind of craft articles which will used to make the craft for the peoples around the world

(((((((((((((((National Museum in Delhi))))))))))))))

This is the museum which is placed in New Delhi and it is also the familiar museum it meant to promote environmental awareness and educate people about the immense importance of conservation, the Museum houses along with its various exhibit galleries, a Bio-Science Computer Room, an Activity Room and a Mobile Museum, used to promote environmental awareness among different target groups. The museum also arranges various in-house and outdoor activities from time to time such as the film shows and activities for the benefit of school children and teachers within the museum premises. They also arrange a month-long summer programme for teenagers titled 'Know Your Environment', where children are encouraged to make nature painting and animal/plant modeling. Besides these programs, the educational activities of the museum include LEARN (Lesson on Environmental Awareness and Resources) Programmes for schools children of Classes VI to XII and publication of popular environment education resource materials. This museum consists of manythings which is happening in new delhi, and its famous things. The school children from different countries are also taken to this museum for a vacation, each and every peoples around world shld be aware of this museum.

(((((((((Indira Gandhi Memorial Museum))))))))))

This is the Famous museum which is named as an Indira Gandhi Memorial Museum is devoted to the first and only women Prime Minister yet. It is situated in New Delhi at her former residence. The house stands amidst a beautiful garden full of mature trees and pretty fragrant flowers. No alterations have been done to Indira's library and living room and has been maintained to look the same as she had left them on the fateful day of October 31, 1984, when she was killed by her own Sikh bodyguards while she was strolling in the gardens. The public is not allowed to enter these rooms but one can have a peek inside the rooms from the windows that open out in the gardens. The path where she was assassinated is pictured here as a memorial. There is a rare collection of photographs that documents the life of this, one of the most prominent leaders in India, from her childhood to her days as Prime Minister. The house also has a number of rooms that have been decorated to her son Rajiv Gandhi, who was himself immensely popular among the masses when he was a Prime Minister and even after that until he was assassinated in May 1991. This is the Familiar museum should be seen by each and every peoples around the world.