Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mahatma Gandhiji Museum

This is the main museum that each and every peoples around world should be known by us. These displays information about Mahatma Gandhi, and most importantly it showcases the original blood-stained garment of Gandhi when he was assassinated by Nathuram Godse. The other piece of the garment is kept at the Gandhi Museum in Delhi.

This museum not only famous for gandhiji and also this is famous for many reasons like which are all described below for ur persual. This famous mosque (masjid) is located at the heart of Madurai city, within 500 metres of the Periyar(Central)bus stand and within 1 kilometre South East of the Madurai railway junction. Hazrat Kazi Syed Tajuddin, who came from Oman during late 12th century, received this land from the king, Koon Pandiyan, and constructed the mosque which is the earliest Muslim place of worship in Madurai. All of his descendants (Huqdars - shareholders of that mosque are called Syeds) have lived in the same locality for 700 years, and have managed the mosque since then. Syed Tajuddin was appointed as Kazi of the sultans, and still his descendants who live at Kazimar street, Madurai, are appointed as Kazis to the Government of Tamil Nadu. All Syeds belong to the Sunni sect of Islam, its Hanafi school. Most of the descendants of Kazi Syed Tajuddin are shadhilis (shazuli) and follow the Sufi order Fassiyatush Shadhiliya.

These are all the main features of this museum which is placed in india, and it was the main features that were displayed in this museum. Its mainly consists of gandhiji work and his goodness.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Its AboutGovernment Museum Complex:

Its All about the Detail Structure of Museum that was located in Chennai and which was handled by the Government under some Government employees. and were it is located and the timings of it. and the necessity of it, and also the detailed work of the Museum.

Once British Society in Chennai used to meet in the Pantheon. Its 18th century buildings and grounds have over the years since then been developed into the Connemara Library, one of the country's three National Libraries, the national Art Gallery, a beautiful building of Jaipur- Mughal architecture, the government Museum with its fabulous collection of bronzes and the Museum Theatre, a quaint theatre that is another building out of the Museum Theatre, a quaint theatre that is another building out of the gaslight era.

The Museum all over the world are many and some of it was handled by the government of the country, and it was managed by the some of the government employees which were constructed by the government people. and many kind of statues are also be placed in it. The timings of the museum is (Morning 8 A.M. to Evening 5 P.M.)